Promotions for Members

The following are a series of promotions or discounts that the British Chamber has negotiated with businesses around Panama, for the benefit of our members. These benefits can be redeemed by presenting your Membership ID Card. Each promotion has a designated contact person in case there are any issues that arise with them.

Cabana Group- Restaurants


Fabiola Marquez | 6070 1305

Participating Locations:

  • Cabana Restaurant and Chin Chin Lounge– Yoo Building, Ave. Balboa
  • Eat Deli– Calle 53, Obarrio (behind St. George’s Bank on Calle 50)

Please show the Membership ID to the waiter or cashier for the discount to apply. Does not apply to other discounts, and does not apply to ITBMS.

Global Brands


Lionel Aleman | 303 1444

Please show the Membership ID to the cashier for the discount to apply. Offers extend to British imported products.

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